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 Pedicure for Pesce's „Il Piede” 
This report introduces the conservation from an „Up7", also known as „Il Piede” by the italian designer Gaetano Pesce, a oversiszed sculpture of a human foot. The inner structure of „Il Piede” consists of Polyurethan foam which is covered with a black elastomer. Due to mechanical stress the elastic coating features fissures and blamishs. For safing loose fragments of the coating somebody pasted large-scale adhesive tape over the surface of „Il Piede”. This privately owned „Il Piede” should be exposed after the conservation in a uniform and unbroken condition. Therefore the adhesive tape has to be removed, loose aeras of the elastomer have to be consolidated and the lost coating has to be replicated. To exept mechanical stress a support plate off a thin but still non twisting material has to carry the foam sculptur.
Lecture at FUTURETALKS, Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich, Germany.

 Secure packaging of threedimensional artworks for transportation – advancement of a vacuum system 
Diplomvorträge des 9. Jahrgangs des Lehrstuhls für Restaurierung, Kunsttechnologie und Konservierungswissenschaft der TU München